birth is a special beautiful thing most couples could possibly go through. birth is the event of yet another human being coming into the world. they say that a person is born every 10 seconds and a person dies every 30. birth is a procreation of life. it all starts with the the water breaking and the women going through possibly hours of labor. she has to sit there in a lot of pain for her to diolate to 10cm, and then start pushing until the baby is crowning. most of the time the mother is then happy its all over with and now has a beautiful baby boy or girl.
but then there goes the cons about birth. for some, birth is a rememberence of what happened to them. for example rape. girls get rapped and end up pregent, but dont believe in abortions, they give birth to the baby. but now everytime they see that kid, they remember how they was concieved. another senario is if its a teen couple and they accidently get pregnent, they would give the baby up for adoption. the women has to go through hours of pain to then give the baby up to another family.
in my family birth is a good thing. the whole family gets excited and is filled with joy. they help each other out and do for each other. they go and visit each other more often than what we would normally do.
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