Friday, April 8, 2011

homework 42

while watching the movie, and during the whole birthing unit, we only talked about the positive side of birth and pregenancy. as well as some semi bad sides. we talked about whats the difference between delivering your baby in a hospital with a doctor verses having your baby at home with a midwife. as a result, i personally came to a conclusion that it is a personal choice and i do agree that not a lot of women are aware of the information that is out there about midwifes and what they are really about. so not every women has the option of picking eaither doctor or midwife. but we were not talking about the bad sides to birthing. for example abortions. im pretty sure at least one person knows someone who has had an abortion at least once. could be teenager or adult. but the one that a lot of people are concerned about is teenage abortion. "more than 25 percent of women in the world get an abortion" ( "1.38 billion women in the world who are in the childbearing years of (15-44). about 6 millon become pregnent." ( with this, teens take up 19% of abortions. teenagers have different options. one is they could take responsability and take care of the child, another is to have the baby, but then give it up for adoption, and the third option is to have an abortion. but a lot of these teens now a days are going with option 3. they usually have the abortion within the first 8 weeks of the pregnency. a lot of these situations are unplanned and will strongly have a downfall for their future plans. according to a chart that i found online, back in 1994, the largest race group to have an abortion was while people with a percentage of 60.5%. 95% of abortions are preformed because of lack or birth controll. another 1% is because of rape or incest. another 3% is because of the mothers health problems and the last 1% is because of fetal abnormalities. i also found out that the number one reason why women go with abortion, is because so they could pospone childbearing. then the next highest reason is because they can not financially afford it at the moment. on average, an abortion costs about $350 to $550. there are different types of ways a women can get an abortion. depending on the stage the fetis is at. she could take a pill, get it sugerically removed, or a shot. so in conclusion there are some information about birth that is bad and all of it has good stories. there are the statistics of abortion that not a lot of people talk about, even though it is getting higer each year.


  1. One of the main reasons I choose to read your blog Jessica, is because your topic of choice was abortion, which we didn't talk much about in class. One of the things you did really well in your blog, is getting me to understand, and leave after reading your blog know a lot more about it. For example I thought abortions was free checkup as long as you had health insurance, the other is that I didn't know that abortion rate was so high, 25% of the world, that's about 1.8 billion women, crazy. The other good thing you did in your blog was addressing what we learned in class, to show why you're blog is an important topic. I only have two things of feedback I'd like you to take into mind, one is that before reading your blogI didn't expect much, because the first thing I noticed was the lack of uppercase letters. Which isn't a big deal, but formatting, does so much to the appearance, making readers more interested to read anything, and I feel that your blog is too important to not appear revealing. All in all great blog, and i look forward to reading more of your blogs to come.

  2. Jessica, To agree with Rigel, I found it very interesting that your project was based on abortion because, the topic in itself is something that we didn't really touch on as a class. Bringing that in to your project made me think more about what if my own family chose to have an abortion? What if certain family members ceased to exist? Your project made me ask myself those questions. Good job.

  3. Let me start by saying that choosing abortion as your topic was a good idea. Originally my project was going to be about adoption. I also agree with rigel because this is another side of birth we don't really look at. We spent most of our classes talking about hospital births and midwives. I like that you provided statistics to support you argument. My mom once had an abortion so i can relate to the feeling. I remember i was 12 and she didn't want to but my dad convinced her to. I think abortion isn't always the best alternative. I personally feel like if i made the mistake i won't learn from it unless i take responsibility from it.
    your project mattered to me because abortion is another aspect of birth.(oxymoron)
    Over all i think that it was a great post but you could probably structure it better and narrow it down to make it stronger.

  4. Hey Jes,

    Abortion is a topic many choose to avoid because of the delicacy that surrounds it. Definitely have to say BOLD choice, and in saying that you rocked it!
    Your blog was very informative on the topic, with all the statistics and options one has as an America teenager in the twentieth century. One thing you could have added to your blog was possibly research the reasons why teen rates are increasing? But even without that extra information one statistic you stated didn’t just stand out to me but slapped me in the face, “…the largest race group to have an abortion was while people with a percentage of 60.5%.”. The fact that Caucasian American teens are the highest percentage to have abortions is not only stereotypical but true. To me what makes that statistic true is the financial background as well as social class standing behind a female teenager.
    Not only did you give statistics, options, and the types of abortion that are available but you also gave your personal point of view on abortion which is great that your pro-choice as well as I am. Depending on a person themselves, financial status, and beliefs completely makes or breaks ones decision.
    By the way watch your grammer! Use Microsoft Word before posting.
