Wednesday, April 27, 2011

homework 48

i asked my mom what her point of view was on caring for the dead, and what she normally does. and she said that when someone dies that she knows, it depends on the person. if it was a distant friend or someone she knew, she wouldnt get upset. she would get a little down, but it wont affect her drastically. if it was someone very close to her for example a very close friend or family matter, then it would "hit home" as she said. she would get very upset about it and would dwel on the death and would take some time for her to get over it because she really cared about them. she would go to funerls to pay her respects to them and say her last goodbye's. i also asked her what would she like me to do for her when she dies. she said that she would want me to have a proper funeral for her. she would like it to be in a church, and have the organ playing in the background. then she would want to be buried instead of cremated.

i also asked my dad what he thought about caring for the dead as well and what he does when he finds out when someone has passed. he too also responded that he would pay his respects the the person and the persons family at the funeral. from then, he said that he would always carry the person in his memory. my grandpa also said similar answers along with also keeping the family in his prayers. to give them hope and make sure that God is looking over them.

based off of this, i view my family to be somewhat religious. for example, they believe in God and that the people will go to heaven and that they are going to be in a safe place now. i also see that they are "respectful" of the family and the one that has passed, they would go to the funeral to give the last goodbye's. my family has a thing about closer. they always have to give off their last words and wishes to the person before they are buried.

Friday, April 15, 2011

homework 46

so now we are doing a unit of caring for the dead. one of the first things that come to mind is funerals. people host funerals for those who obviously have passed on and is a type of party where people gather to pay respects to the one who has passed on. the family would hold a wake for about a day or two so people could come say their last prayers, touch the body, get a last view, and give their respects to the family. then on the next or same day, they put the body six feet in the ground where they say a few more prayers and then cover the casket up with dirt and flowers. then the funeral is over. sometimes everybody would then go back to the families house for some food and have a gathering. another thing that comes to mind is depending on what the person wants, they could be cremated and put in a urn. where then someone would take home and put it somewhere safe. or they could possibly spread the ashes at a spot where they know the person would want to lay for eternity. by doing this, people feel as if that is putting the person at rest so they are now peaceful because they are at their favorite area/ spot.

homework 45

jayson: thank you for commenting on my project. your comment made me feel good because i have to agree with you. it does make you think deeply about a lot of what if questions and how it really is life changing for a lot of people. there are a lot of women out there who get abortions and then the child doesnt even get a chance to get a life out in the real world. ariel: thank you for reading my project as well ariel. thank you for the comments and im glad you enjoyed my topic. yes i too feel that with a lot of people especially wome, that abortion is a very touchy topic. and in class we didnt really talk about it so that was the main reason i decided to do it. because there are dark sides to everything, and to birth there is abortion.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

homework 44

ariel: i read your paper, and i thought that it was very good. it talked about how one of your little sisters were born, and the struggles that your mother went through to deliver her. it must have been really hard for her and your dad to be under that kind of pressure. but now she is a healthy girl and that is a blessing. i liked how you connected what we learned in class to a personal experience as well as talk about a side of birth we didnt really cover much on. we didnt really talk much about premature births and the complications it brings. maybe for next time, you could probably add some statistics about premature births around the U.S. and how common or uncommon they are. rigel: yours too was a personal topic that i really enjoyed. your topic was about single mothers. i felt like i could personally relate to that because my mom too is also a single mother, and she struggles everyday to make sure i have everything i need and that i grow up into a good kid. it too was a topic we didnt even bring up in class at all so to get information on that was very interesting and is a reason why i turned to your blog. i feel like there are a lot of single mothers out there in the world and the guys usually dont do anything. maybe something you coud do for next time is maybe relate it to yourself a little more and talk about a personal experience. stephen: you got me very interested in reading your paper when you made your speech. it was very engaging and caught my attention. in your paper you talked about multiple side of births in a hospital and out of a hospital. as well as with a midwife or with a doctor. it was good that you went a little deeper into what we learned about in class. but maybe for next time you could focus on maybe one part of the arguments or maybe narrow your topic down a bit. also maybe add some personal opinions you had.

Friday, April 8, 2011

homework 42

while watching the movie, and during the whole birthing unit, we only talked about the positive side of birth and pregenancy. as well as some semi bad sides. we talked about whats the difference between delivering your baby in a hospital with a doctor verses having your baby at home with a midwife. as a result, i personally came to a conclusion that it is a personal choice and i do agree that not a lot of women are aware of the information that is out there about midwifes and what they are really about. so not every women has the option of picking eaither doctor or midwife. but we were not talking about the bad sides to birthing. for example abortions. im pretty sure at least one person knows someone who has had an abortion at least once. could be teenager or adult. but the one that a lot of people are concerned about is teenage abortion. "more than 25 percent of women in the world get an abortion" ( "1.38 billion women in the world who are in the childbearing years of (15-44). about 6 millon become pregnent." ( with this, teens take up 19% of abortions. teenagers have different options. one is they could take responsability and take care of the child, another is to have the baby, but then give it up for adoption, and the third option is to have an abortion. but a lot of these teens now a days are going with option 3. they usually have the abortion within the first 8 weeks of the pregnency. a lot of these situations are unplanned and will strongly have a downfall for their future plans. according to a chart that i found online, back in 1994, the largest race group to have an abortion was while people with a percentage of 60.5%. 95% of abortions are preformed because of lack or birth controll. another 1% is because of rape or incest. another 3% is because of the mothers health problems and the last 1% is because of fetal abnormalities. i also found out that the number one reason why women go with abortion, is because so they could pospone childbearing. then the next highest reason is because they can not financially afford it at the moment. on average, an abortion costs about $350 to $550. there are different types of ways a women can get an abortion. depending on the stage the fetis is at. she could take a pill, get it sugerically removed, or a shot. so in conclusion there are some information about birth that is bad and all of it has good stories. there are the statistics of abortion that not a lot of people talk about, even though it is getting higer each year.